Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Production Logo

 Today in class I decided to mess around with Canva and try to make a production logo. I had an inspiration from a film opening a previous student had done where the background was black, and the words were in yellow. It was also animated, something that I least wanted to try out.  

So, at first, I thought about “Door Productions” and I could animate a door opening and the productions inside the door, then shut it and fade it into black. I tried it on Canva in a slide show, but it was very hard. I couldn’t get the transition right and since I don’t have premium, my options were kind of limited. 

Suddenly, I thought about how when I was little and starting to learn english, my teacher would dot the two O’s in the word “look.” This inspired me for another name of a production company called, “Look for Productions.” My vision was having the two O’s as a pair of eyes and having them look around and blink. However, instead of editing it in a slideshow, I edited it in the video software inside of Canva. I messed around with the software and was able to have smooth transitions, and overall it was relatively easy.  

Here's the finished product: 


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