Sunday, March 16, 2025

Group Meeting #2

 On Tuesday, I got together with a group of some of my classmates and we helped each other out. We talked about our problems with filming, our progress on editing, and CCR ideas. 

Kalel had a problem with time management. Him and his group had to film in a park at 20 minutes from where we all attend school at. The problem was that they were using natural lighting, and they had gone a little bit before sunset. 

Nicholas talked about how he wanted to do a one-on-one interview inspired by The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon. I thought that was very interesting and would be a fun idea to do the creative critical reflection. 

I personally loved Amparo’s plot idea because everyone else was doing horror movies and she was doing a coming-of-age film, like me. She showed us some of her unedited shots and they all looked great so far, I'm excited to see her final result. 

Overall, the group meeting was fun, and it helped everyone see where the other groups were and we also helped each other out in small problems that we had, like ideas for our CCR’s. 

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Group Meeting #2

  On Tuesday, I got together with a group of some of my classmates and we helped each other out. We talked about our problems with filming...