Monday, September 30, 2024

Blog posting - OWF

 Directions: Create a short story that represents one word using different shots, angles, and editing techniques. The Short film has to be no less than a minute but the maximum is one minute and thirty seconds.

Since my groups word was 'remorse', we took a relatable approach for the viewers. The story board consisted of girl one getting a text and starts to scream at girl two. Girl one gets frustrated and leaves the heated conversation but starts thinking about her actions. When she looked back girl two, she realized her mistake of overreacting. They start to walk up to each other and end up hugging. Building the storyboard helped us pre-visualize the tone we were trying to convey to our project and making it as specific as possible by adding little notes on it about editing and different types of shots so we didn't have to go empty handed when we filmed. I used iMovie to edit this project.

I believe that the acting and editing were great in this project. However, I feel like I ran out of shots to edit to hit the minimum minute mark. I also felt as the tone of the story wasn't very clear and could've been more developed by instead featuring so much time of the fight and the apologizing part, focusing more on girl one regretting her actions would've helped a lot more. So next time, I would do mulitple shots with different angles to add in and try to convey the story more clearly.



  Me and my group had a lot of troubles going on during filming, so this set our schedule into kind of a mess. In class I had decided to fo...